Economic Implications for Commercial Real Estate Amid COVID-19
Editor’s Note: The content from the following article is based on a recent Real Estate Matters podcast with David Skinner, a long time member of ACRE’s Leadership Council.
The coronavirus outbreak is not the first time appraisers have had to deal with valuation of property during what is technically known via the Interagency
If your company is facing outstanding expenses as a result of COVID-19, assistance is available through the Payroll Protection Program (the “PPP”) recently passed by Congress
Based on large year-over-year permit gains in January and February, housing starts are off to a fast start, yet uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic clouds
The economic measures from this coronavirus period will render our legacy economic rulers and benchmark data collars obsolete. The metrics being produced are beyond comprehension
This first week of April might have us awakening to a belief that the morning CNBC or Bloomberg economic news is an “April Fool’s” joke
If a Landlord defers a Commercial Tenant’s rent obligation, then the obligation does not go away. Rather, the Tenant will be required to pay that rent
Editor’s Note: The following article is based upon current Alabama housing market information. ACRE will continue to release updates on the impact of coronavirus on
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